love in Morocco

Merendina Redefines Love in Morocco

Merendina Redefines Love in Morocco

love in Morocco

In the realm of advertising in Morocco, a campaign has captivated the attention and touched the hearts of millions of Moroccans. Merendina, the iconic Genoese cake adored by Moroccans for decades, has rolled out an innovative communication campaign that placed love in Morocco at the center of its message. This campaign, dubbed “Kheli 9elbek Ydoub” (Let Your Heart Melt), succeeded in not only promoting the product but also in sparking a conversation about the expression of love in contemporary Moroccan society.

The Campaign Story:

Merendina’s campaign unfolded through a short film featuring beloved Moroccan personalities such as Sara Perles and Saad Mouaffak. Set in a romantic backdrop of a music conservatory, the short film tells a story of budding love, accompanied by the soft voice of Dizzy Dros, revealing an unexpected facet of the artist. This story not only captivates the imagination but also conveys a profound message about the importance of expression and communication in human relationships, symbolized by the heart adorning Merendina’s packaging.

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Love as a Communication Pillar:

Merendina cleverly chose love as the cornerstone of its communication, recognizing it as a sentiment often difficult to express in Moroccan society. By highlighting this universal emotion, the brand managed to draw even closer to its target audience and foster an open dialogue on a topic once considered taboo.

Impact on Moroccan Society:

This advertising campaign didn’t just sell cakes; it sold an idea. It encouraged Moroccans to open their hearts, express their feelings, and break the barriers often surrounding the subject of love. By offering a moving short film and a captivating song, Merendina provided Moroccans with a platform to reflect on their own relationships and promote a culture of communication and emotional expression.

The Impact of Advertising Campaigns during Valentine's Day:

February 14, Valentine’s Day, is a highly symbolic time when love is celebrated worldwide. For major brands, it’s an unmissable opportunity to roll out their most creative and engaging advertising campaigns. It’s a moment when companies compete ingeniously to capture consumers’ attention and convey messages of affection, romance, and emotional connection. Whether through TV ads, street posters, social media campaigns, or special promotions, brands vie to create memorable and inspiring experiences.


In summary, Merendina’s advertising campaign was much more than a simple product promotion. It was a celebration of love in Morocco, communication, and emotional openness. By choosing to place love at the heart of its communication and using the heart logo as a central symbol, Merendina managed to touch the hearts of Moroccans and open up an important dialogue on a topic often overlooked. This campaign will undoubtedly remain one of the most memorable and impactful in the history of advertising in Morocco.

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evolution of radio advertising

The Evolution of Radio Advertising

The Evolution of Radio Advertising

evolution of radio advertising

Radio, since its early 20th-century inception, has been a transformative medium for entertainment and information, quickly embedding itself into the fabric of daily life globally. Its role as a primary mass communication channel was unparalleled for much of the 20th century, predating television and the internet. On this International Day of Radio, February 13, 2024, we delve into the evolution of radio advertising, a journey that highlights its impact on consumer behavior, branding, and the broader commercial landscape.

The Golden Age of Radio

The “Golden Age of Radio” spans the 1920s to the 1940s, a period when radio was the cultural and entertainment nucleus. It was the era of live broadcasts—music, drama, comedy, and news—uniting listeners nationwide. This era marked the dawn of the evolution of radio advertising, setting the stage for innovative business communication.

Emergence of Radio Advertising

Radio’s widespread appeal made it an ideal platform for advertising. Its capability to reach a vast audience was recognized early by marketers, shaping radio into an influential advertising tool. The evolution of radio advertising during this time introduced several pioneering strategies:

  • Sponsored Programs: Shows often bore the name of their sponsors, like “The Colgate Comedy Hour,” intertwining brand exposure with entertainment. This strategy was pivotal in the evolution of radio advertising, blending commercial interests with listener engagement.

  • Live Read Ads: Ad scripts were integrated into broadcasts by radio personalities, lending a personal and trustworthy feel to advertisements. This approach exemplified the personal touch and adaptability that characterized the evolution of radio advertising.

  • Jingles and Catchphrases: Memorable jingles and slogans emerged, becoming part of the cultural lexicon. This phase in the evolution of radio advertising underscored the power of catchy and repeatable content.

  • Audience Targeting: While rudimentary, radio’s ability to target specific listener segments through program scheduling laid the groundwork for more nuanced audience engagement strategies.

Impact on Society and Business

The evolution of radio advertising significantly influenced society and the business world, transforming product marketing from simple announcements to sophisticated storytelling. It played a crucial role in consumer culture’s rise, popularizing brands and products nationwide.

Moreover, radio advertising’s success demonstrated mass media’s potential to sway public opinion and consumer behavior, paving the way for future innovations in advertising across new mediums.

The Legacy of Radio Advertising

Despite media evolution and the advent of digital marketing channels, radio advertising’s foundational strategies—engaging content, emotional connection, audience targeting, and creative delivery—remain relevant, influencing modern marketing practices. As we celebrate the International Day of Radio, we honor radio advertising’s legacy, reflecting on its enduring impact and the pivotal role it has played in the commercial and cultural spheres.

This condensed examination of the evolution of radio advertising captures its essence and ongoing relevance. On this day, February 13, 2024, we are reminded of radio’s unique position in history and its contribution to shaping the marketing landscape.

The celebration of love in Morocco throught an Ad

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